Rambleings of a consistant dreamer

Mostly about my little fur child Tiger Lou

Friday, February 22, 2008

At last the mystery is solved

Hi everyone it's been quite awhile since the last post but I got really buzy so I haven't had a chance. We got Lou in to the vet's finally and the brave little guy got some blood testing done they didn't even have to put him to sleep to do it which was go as that can be kinda tricky with pugs sometimes and well the other day we finally got the results back and well he tested positive for 17 different things meaning that he's allergic to 17 different things my goodness my dog is a hyperallergenic geek lol I love him to bits anyways. Some of the things that he's allergic to are tobacco smoke ikk, ( good thing nobody in the house smokes that's a really bad habit),barley oh darn no beer for the pug(oh well the hops is really bad for dogs anyways not that I'd ever give my dog beer),peas,bird feathers( I have two budgies butI'm pretty sure they just mean direct contact and well dog saliva is deadly to birds so it's not as though Lou gets particularlly close to them anyways), chicken, and Juniper trees just to name a few it was expensive to get done but well worth it. They test for a whole bunch of things and then they also tell you some foods that your dog can still eat.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Puggie Rash on the way to being solved

Well Lou went into the vet's today turns out the vet who normally treats him either wasn't working that day or moved to a different practice either was Lou was treated by a new vet today which he didn't seem to mind too much in fact since I had school my mom took him in for me and she said that he just loved the new vet mind you he loved our last vet too lol I don't think Lou's too picky. So Lou got some blood taken today and he was really good they didn't have to put him to sleep to take it so that was good as that can always be a risk with pugs. The vet said that in three to four weeks we'll have some answers as to what is causeing the rash and itchyness. Hopefully it's something simple that I can simply eliminate from his diet or daily life and I sure hope it's not to something like dust mites. For now until we get some answers we have Lou on a human allergy medicine simmilar to Benadryl. It's kinda funny because the pills are floresent pink like glow in the dark pink and I first saw them and was like I'm putting this into my dog you've got to be kidding me but hey I guess it helps so I gave it to him anyways and the vet did recomend it so...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Exam's are finally done with only the mildest of mental insanity

Well it took me longer than expected to get back on to the internet again. I wasn't actually doing exams the whole time well once I was done my exams I got about nine days off this is because the school is pretty much closed while exams are taking place and unless you have a test you're not allowed into the building so I spent my nine days doing renovations on the house because we're moving this summer and so we've got to get things ready. So instead of having a nice relaxing break I got to do trim and painting and bathrooms and I learned how to install a toilet you know all the fun stuff lol. And where was Lou during all of this you may ask well unfortuneatly and I truely feel horrible for this Lou spent most of those nine days in my room in his kennel because well we didn't want him getting into anything dangerous. Now all this meant that everyone was buzy and little pugs who should've been taken to the vet's long ago have instead remained at home with itchy skin and the ever mystereous rash. It's not that we don't love Lou or that we think he should be our last priority it's that well we had to get all the renovations done before my dad left because well they're sending him out ahead of time because they need the position filled right away. Anyways back on topic so my Dad came in and got Lou this morining so that Lou could go on a car ride and get out of the house so my parents took him and when they came back they had a vet appointment made for him because they finally realized how uncomfortable Lou has become I've been telling them for a week that I have to keep waking up in the middle of the night to get him to stop licking and scratching but I guess they didn't think it was that bad thank goodness they realized because poor Lou is so uncomfortable in his own skin I can barely even touch him without making him itchy. So this wensday Lou goes in to get some blood work done and hopefully get some relief from this horrid rash.
