Rambleings of a consistant dreamer

Mostly about my little fur child Tiger Lou

Monday, March 22, 2010

So it's been quite a while since I've written anything and even though I'm sure that my absence went unnoticed it's still nice to write. Lou has been doing really well with our new Kingston Vet. She recommended a supplement that could possibly help with his allergies and it seems to be working quite well. It's basically a fish oil pill that we get at the vets Lou gets one a day with his supper and has been getting them for almost two years now they really seem to be helping and they seem to have built up his immune system he doesn't react as harshly or as often to the different allergens as he used to which is great. Spring used to be dreaded because much like many people Lou's allergies flare up in the spring time however so far this spring hasn't been bad at all. I try and put Lou's bedding in the wash on a sanitize cycle with bleach and soap and an extra rinse cycle at least once or twice a month and if he seems to be getting itchy then he gets a bath with tea tree oil bar soap. This is the combination that is working for us and as far as I'm concerned it's working really well Lou hasn't an ear infection in about four or five months something that used to be a regular occurrence from the allergies. Also as silly as it may seem to some people I have an air purifier in my bedroom where Lou and I sleep and it's specifically for Lou oh well as long as he's comfortable and happy that's what matters right? So the fishy pills as I refer to them are called Aller-G-3 and we picked them up at the veterinarians they look like a cod liver oil pill, however they are smaller because well Lou's not that big

if we gave him anything too big well it just wouldn't be pretty. This regime may not have been what I had in mind when I decided a pug was the furry person that was right for me but we're making it work and I wouldn't go back on my decision that Lou was the right one for all the "normal" pugs in the world.


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